Breakfast and After School Care

Updated as at 01/05/24


Rise & Shine: 7:25 - 8:30 (advance booking and drop-in's available)

Discovery: 15:20 - 18:00 Registration form must be completed prior to attending.  Once registered, please log on and book your sessions via 'SCOPAY'.


Rise & Shine:

Rise & Shine including breakfast: £5.00 per session


Discovery including snack: £14.50 per session

Discovery on the day bookings: £16.00 per session


CONTACT DETAILS: For any further queries please contact:

Mrs Hanby and Mrs Ingham: 

Please contact the office on 01932 348961 option 3 to speak to the Extended School Managers, Mrs Hanby and Mrs Ingham during the Extended school hours 7:25 - 8:30 and 15:20 - 18:00.