Year 4 Homework

Homework is always shared on a Thursday and due in the following Tuesday.

This term we will still be using the homework grid that we have used previously (but with different tasks!) but this won't necessarily be every week.  If you are given a separate instruction sheet, read this carefully so you know exactly what you should be doing.

Ask parents to sign your homework sheet.

Read the homework expectations to remind you what you need to do for your homework.  This also has the links to accelerated reader and times table rockstars.

Please note:  The tasks labelled 'Mrs Frommholz's group' are extra times table practise for Mrs Frommholz's maths group.  Any group are welcome to use them too!  This is not a grid task homework activity.


27.06.2024 - Pyrford and Wisley entry. You have 2 weeks to complete this homework. It is due Monday 6th July.