Year 4
Welcome to
The Year 4 Team
Year 4 Team leader - Mr G Schofield
Nightingale: Mr G Schofield
Darwin: Miss J Heatley
Shakespeare: Ms J Creighton/Mrs D Mallinson
Multiplication Tables Check (MTC):
Towards the end of this academic year (2024/2025), the children will need to undertake a National Multiplication Tables Check (MTC).
This will be conducted using a Chromebook or Laptop at school (more information as to dates and times will follow in due course).
To ensure your children are well-prepared for the assessment, we will be conducting practise (weekly), to aid their times-table development.
However, you can still practise with them to make sure they are comfortable with the format, overall appearance and time constraints.
Simply click the link below to practise with them at home.