Headteacher Farewell

As the school year comes to a close, I look back with pride on the work of all the children and staff over the past academic year as they have all worked in unison for the benefit of each other. Sometimes this has been easy, sometimes more challenging but always with dedication and a desire to make a difference. Every single one of us is on a journey and I have loved watching the growth of so many children and their families pass through WBJS over the past 23 years. I am extremely proud of the school I leave behind. West Byfleet Junior School has been a huge part of my life and it will remain always in my heart. I have dedicated my life to education, of my 35 years in education, 23 has been as Headteacher of WBJS, and I never contemplated being a Headteacher in any other school - why would I? Now this part of my service is over. It is time for me to journey on with new exciting challenges lying ahead, still in education, as this is and will always be my passion.

It has been a privilege to lead the school. All the very best wishes to you all. And remember, whatever your journey, do what you love and love what you do.

Wishing you all a great Summer and best of luck to our Year 6 children and their journey into secondary school.

Miss Lesley Lawrence